What is Tripple point?

What is Tripple point?

Tripple point is a term coined in 1873 by James Thomson, brother of Lord Kelvin. Tripple point of a substance means the temperature and pressure at which a substance exists in all the 3 states (gas, liquid, solid) simultaneously in thermodynamic equilibrium. Now that sounds pretty weird. For instance let us consider the substance to …

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How does lightning occur? | The physics of Lightning and Thunders

How does lightning occur? | The physics of Lightning and Thunders

The lightning we see during rains or storms are so fascinating in nature! A really huge spark of electrostatic discharge from clouds to the ground or sometimes within clouds itself. And after that bright flash follows a really loud bang which is called thunder. So what is it that really happens up above in the …

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What is a Lunar Eclipse?

What is a Lunar Eclipse?

There’s flood of images of blood moon on social media since 31st Jan. The popular term being used for the phenomenon is “Super Blue Blood Moon”.  That phenomenon was nothing but a Total Lunar Eclipse. Now we will understand what happens and how it happens. First of all lets understand what is a lunar eclipse and …

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