How do magnets work?

How do magnets work?

We all are very familiar with magnets! Everyone gets so curious when they play with magnets and feel the attractive/repulsive forces.Typically when we place other objects like piece of wood or stones, they don’t really interact with each other (in the sense they don’t attract or repel). But if we place magnets near each other …

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How do 3-D Glasses work?

How do 3-D Glasses work?

3D movies are really fun to watch as we get that amazing experience of something coming out of the screen! One kinda annoying thing about 3D movies – uncomfortable pair of glasses. If someone already has spectacles they have to wear 3D glasses above their spectacles which is even more uncomfortable – but worth it! …

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What is Graphene?

What is Graphene?

Let’s start with a very short story, two physicists were having fun experimenting and they used scotch tape to remove layers of carbon from a lump of Graphite (material used in pencils). Voila, they made Graphene. And this thing got them the Nobel prize in Physics in 2010. Those two physicists were Andre Geim and …

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